
Dr. Nina Kao, Ph.D.

CEO of Overseas Medical Mission Center, CCH

Moderator's Biography

Dr. Nina, Kao Hsiao Ling is the CEO of Overseas Medical Mission Center of Changhua Christian Hospital and the Executive Director of Taiwan AID Board Members, the international cooperation alliance of Taiwan's NGOs. Dr. Nina is a professional international project manager and has been devoting herself to international works for more than 15 years. She makes an effort to mobilize the public and private sectors' resources to conduct the international program in developing countries. Dr. Nina also concerns about the development effectiveness and effective cooperation development. She joined the regional networking of CPDE (CSOs Partnership for Development and Effectiveness) to organize the workshop for CSOs in Taiwan to promote Enabling Environment, SDGs implementation, transparency, and accountability.

125th Anniversary of CCHSmart Healthcare Technology and Patient Safety International Conference

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