
Mr. John Chang

Senior-level of Clinical Engineer at Clinical Engineering Services Department, The Johns Hopkins Hospital

Speaker's Biography

Mr. John Chang is the Senior-level of Clinical Engineer at Clinical Engineering Services Department in The Johns Hopkins Hospital. He was a candidate of Doctor of Science program at The George Washington University. Mr. Chang has rewarded the Outstanding Employee at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in 2010 and 2013; Team Award of the 7th Annual Health Device Achievement from ECRI in 2012. Mr. Chang has developed the integration of the Nurse call System, Connexall Notification System, RFID Tracking System, Patient Monitoring System, and Alarm Management System. The integration system includes new hardware and software to capture data streams from various medical devices and centralizes the information to record systems to achieve the most efficiency and best care quality.


The Management of Medical Equipment Systems Integration and Data Aggregation In The Johns Hopkins Hospital


The management of medical equipment systems is an important issue for safety and cost in modern hospital operation. It is a process which helps hospitals to repair, inspect, and maintain the safe and effective performance of the majority of the medical equipment. In Clinical Engineering Services (CES) Department in The Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH), there are 7 teams and 5-8 technicians per team. CES primary manages medical equipment for JHH which is a 6 million square feet of space and 60,000+ medical devices in the database. Therefore, it's necessary to integrate all the medical devices. In JHH, Medical Device Integration is a system that includes new hardware and software to capture data streams from various types of medical devices and centralizes the information to systems of record. There are also some ongoing integration protocols, such as HL7, TAP, Unity, ASCOM OAP, PUSH and IHE. For medical equipment manager, only the establishment of a complete medical equipment management system and the implementation of comprehensive and refined management can solve many problems and difficulties in the process and improve the overall hospital management level.

125th Anniversary of CCHSmart Healthcare Technology and Patient Safety International Conference

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