
Dr. Tsung-Lung Yang, MD

Director of Quality Management Center, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital

Speaker's Biography

Dr. Tsung-Lung Yang is the Department Chief of Quality Improvement Center and Chief Innovation Officer of Center of Innovation in Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital (KSVGH). He's the architect for building the enterprise-wide PACS (picture archiving and communication system) at KSVGH since 1998, and successfully transformed the traditional client-server PACS into a browser server medical information platform in 2006. (solution name was dubbed H.E.L.P. representing Healthcare Enhancement and Leverage Platform) using private cloud solution. In 2011, Dr. Yang was the major contributor to help KSVGH to win her best government service award of the year and win the honor of best five IT medical institute of the year in Asia of FutureGov. In 2017, he created a BR and new system called AIS, an abbreviation for Application Information System, as a secure bridging service from HIS-PACS-RIS complex to reach patients to reduce medical illiteracy by providing Chinese-based infographic reports via a unique App on mobile devices, called eMiqlat. His research interests include breast imaging, abdominal radiology, radiological informatics, radionics, nursing informatics, electronic medical record, virtual reality for medicine, and semantic web solutions for future medical platform services.


How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Smart Healthcare Input


The smart hospital is a popular demand and a perfect stage for large hospitals to show their medical informatics power. Yet, pouring technology resources into the medical field to invent or bring out down-to-earth products or services to benefit doctors and patients has never been easy. It has always been a hot topic at many seminars. It continues to challenge the hospital Director's wisdom and execution to make the right decisions for carrying out the digitalization at the hospital. In this session, we expect to demonstrate how to use the Objectives and Key Results (OKR)/ OGSM Framework approach, starting from drafting Request for Proposals (RFP), exploring the nature of intelligent components, establishing smart enterprise exchange bus for data exchange, and introducing the industry commonly used Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Overall Service Effectiveness (OSE) to empower the manager's knowledge of performance and efficiency evaluation. Besides, the speaker will share how to define the metrics and thresholds needed for an intelligent hospital, to benefit from medical technology resources investment in the meaningfully quantified.

125th Anniversary of CCHSmart Healthcare Technology and Patient Safety International Conference

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